Launching New Website Display BPS Banyuwangi - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Banyuwangi Regency

Untuk mendapatkan data BPS Kabupaten Banyuwangi silahkan datang ke Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu (PST) BPS Kabupaten Banyuwangi, Jl. KH Agus Salim No 87, Banyuwangi, setiap hari kerja mulai pukul 08:30 s.d 15:00 WIB

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Launching New Website Display BPS Banyuwangi

Launching New Website Display BPS Banyuwangi

March 13, 2015 | Other Activities

Today 13 March 2015 Banyuwangi official face new BPS from the official website of BPS Banyuwangi. This look will be the official page and only belongs to BPS Banyuwangi which will display all the information and statistical data, which ever made by BPS Banyuwangi.
Today's release is the umpteenth time after several years of official website official domain with its own All information and data associated with the statistics in other countries will be covered as much as possible to the official website for this. Publication of the data and information contained in the actual condition, current, and reliable accuracy and truth.

Meanwhile, criticisms, and suggestions from the general public can be directed to the email address, Banyuwangi BPS.

Thank you, may be useful.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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